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Welcome to MARGO

MARGO (Municipal Arts Resources Grants Online) is the online grants portal for both the City of Phoenix Arts and Culture Department and for Parks and Recreation.

The Phoenix Arts and Culture Department

The Phoenix Arts and Culture Department's grants program is part of the agency's Grants and Community Engagement portfolio and supports organizations, businesses, collectives, and others that have as their primary purpose and function, the creation, performance, and exhibition of arts or cultural programs.

Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Past grant awards are no assurance of future awards. Applicants--part​icularly first-time applicants--are strongly encouraged to contact the Arts and Culture Department's Grants staff to discuss/review your organization's project proposal prior to the application deadline.

Visit the Phoenix Arts and CultureDepartment to learn more and for staff contact information.

The Parks and Recreation’s Park Activation Grant Program

The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department is offering grant funding up to $10, 000 for Phoenix neighborhood groups and nonprofits that would like to create programming, host events, or plan activities at their Phoenix Parks.

Phoenix neighborhood groups must be listed with the Neighborhood Services Department and events/activities must take place in parks serving qualified census tracts.

To learn more visit http://www.phoenix.gov/parks/arpa to learn more and for staff contact information.phoenix.gov/parks/arpa

Finally, before you log in, we would like you to be aware of the city's policy on public records. The policy states that the information you are about to send: (1) is subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law, (2) is not private or confidential and (3) is retained according to city records retention policies.